I get what you're saying but I also have to call out your ignorance as well.
it's not just black men who aren't as educated as women, these days it's men in general. Women make 60% of all graduates. She says we're full of crime. Is that crime in Ukraine or is it what shee sees in America or in a 3rd world country in Africa ? Crime correlates with the surroundings of the individual that's why crime is more prevelant in poor countries than in rich ones. America being the exception because they created their own crime waves by throwing guns in the ghetto. She makes it seem like black men are these violent, low IQ.
Single, strong independent woman in the ghetto make criminals due to the lack of a father figure. Its detrimental to a young boy living in the ghetto. As a young boy he can't find his father at home so he looks for him in the streets and thats not something a white woman in Ukraine can ever understand or begin to comprehend.
This is like me saying that i dont know why women become prostitutes. As if some of them had a choice. Me saying that would show my ignorance towards the other fact that some of them are kidnapped and trafficked, some of them have kids to feed and little opportunity.
Im not saying that its not true and yes i get it, black men need to own up to their individual failures, but your perspective is narrow minded. It disregards several other factors that play a role in that matter. And that Ukrainian woman serves as your confirmation bias. It is unfair to make such a statement without taking all points of view into account and doing extensive research. Its unfair if you never even had the chance to go out and see the world out there
Im not against you, but i think we all need our opinions challenged. I'm giving you a different way to percieve it whilst making your opinion
Above everything, i loved your article and i thank you for tackling such bold topics, these are matters we need to discuss as a collective and community of male and females